Brand Reliability through Highly Available Platforms

Digital workloads on active-active multi-region architecture

Global Automobile OEM


  • Brand dot com and loyalty management applications underwent planned and unplanned outages.
  • Lift and shift migrated workloads on cloud was not scalable.
  • Stateful applications suffered from persistence challenges of local cache.
  • Service response time affective web page load and rendering time.
  • High server upkeep cost during off peak hours.


  • Redesigned application workloads into stateless microservices.
  • Applications rewritten to work on serverless lambda based runtime with pay for use (on AWS).
  • Designed highly available active active multi region infrastructure with latency and health based routing at DNS.
  • Data persisted in Global No SQL AWS DynamoDB or MySQL Aurora Global DB.



  • and associated workloads benefitted with zero outages even during regional cloud service outages.
  • Planned deployment outages were down to zero using blue green deployments.
  • Infra cost brought down from 100 thousands to thousands per month.
  • Campaigns, promotions, recalls and sales enjoyed interruption free services even during heavy traffic spikes.