We help companies qualify H-1B candidates
H-1B visas are the most commonly fabricated documents in the IT industry, with the next most fabricated visas being the GC-EAD and OPT-EAD. Hiring employees with invalid H-1B visas can lead to revenue loss, productivity loss, project timeline increases and termination, customer loss, negative branding, as well as federal and state-level penalties. There have been cases where businesses have lost multi-million-dollar accounts as a result of hiring a candidate with an invalid H-1B visa. There is no product on the market today that can solve this problem. Current standards of verifying H-1B visas are based on resume screening by recruiters or very basic USCIS website checks. V-Validate is the only system that exists to identify fraudulent work authorization paperwork.
Our proprietary technology
solves the problem of identifying invalid H-1B Visas.
What We’ve Achieved
V-Validate is a platform that solves the complex problem of identifying invalid H-1B visas. It uses a multitude of logic algorithms and applied pattern recognition algorithms in order to identify H-1B visa fabrication. A person would normally take 10-15 minutes to identify a fabricated visa with a 50/50 chance of being correct. V-Validate can provide results with a significantly higher accuracy level within minutes. The user doesn’t need to download any software or upgrade any hardware to use V-Validate. We’re also currently in the process of incorporating the functionality of identifying fabricated GC-EAD and OPT-EAD Visas.
Features and Privacy
We respect candidates’ privacy and do not store any immigration or personal data on our platform. When a person falsifies an H-1B document, they are liable for all data ownership. V-Validate, our users, and our partners are always doing the best we can to hire legitimate candidates with genuine work authorization. We have incorporated a search portal that allows you to quickly scan for ID numbers to see if the platform has ever encountered fake profiles, and we are building custom dashboards to help you monitor your data usage. Our goal is to also incorporate additional forms of work authorization on this platform, such as the GC-EAD and OPT-EAD. These are just a few examples of the many features our research and development team is working to roll out this year.
How to Get Started
Just fill out and submit a quick registration form and get a confirmation email with next steps. We look forward to working with you!